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Killing You Softly- Democrat Luxury Beliefs Cost Lives

October 15, 2023

I confess this bothers me. So much for being an objective reporter of the facts, but a majority of Democrat Attorneys’ General told the court that you need to be disarmed. Once again, they said it is vitally important for the state to disarm honest citizens who obey the law. Let me underscore that so there is no misunderstanding. Government elites demand the right to put you and your family at greater risk. This bothers me a lot because you save so many lives. I think these Democrats are elitists who live in their own little world.


Newsome and Bonta from ladyap

In every state, we know which citizens applied for and were given a permit to carry a personal firearm in public. We’ve studied these concealed carriers, and they are the most law-abiding group that sociologists can identify. I’ll say that again, we can’t find anyone who is less violent and more law-abiding no matter where we looked. That said, the Democrats AGs told the court that these honest citizens need to be barred from most public places. These honest citizens also need to be barred from all private places unless they receive advanced permission to enter. That would be comically absurd, except we see the results are written in the blood of innocent victims.

The world is not safe. You and your neighbors use a personal firearm to legally defend yourselves over 7-thousand times a day. That sounds hard to believe, but I really am talking about you and not the police. Time after time, night after night, you defend yourselves and stop violent criminals. You had to do that because you were the first person at the scene of the attack. The way you stopped crime made all of us safer even if we weren’t carrying a gun.

Honest gun owners prevented tens of thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of sexual assaults, and millions of robberies and aggravated assaults. You did that year after year, and you stopped more crimes than the police do. When you were allowed to, you stopped most mass murders last year.  Despite your immense virtue, Democrats want you and your neighbors disarmed.

As I said, that bothers me as I suspect it bothers you. More of the good guys and gals get hurt when they are disarmed. Like you, I wish that criminals would stop attacking innocent victims. Criminals don’t care what we want, and the good guys still have to defend themselves. I think I know why.

Let me be clear about the Democrats’ demand for “gun-free” zones. I’ll admit that there may be a few places where the state is providing such strict security that it is justified in disarming honest citizens. For example, the defendant is disarmed when he is being held in a court of law. Visitors are disarmed in the courthouse for the safety of the defendant. The government disarmed the defendant so the government assumed the responsibility of protecting and defending him. Other than the courthouse and the jail, I can’t think of another place where the government assumes the responsibility of protecting us. That said, no one thinks that jails are a particularly safe place to be. Except for those few places, the government has expressly stated that we are on our own everywhere else.

The world is full of broken political promises. We were told that our children were safe in schools because we had gun-control laws to disarm the murderers. That was a lie, and mass-murderers deliberately hunt our kids in those “gun-free” zones. We were told that law enforcement officers would protect our students at school. In fact, sometimes they did, and sometimes the officers never even tried. We were told that criminals would never attack our churches, our synagogues, our mosques, or our temples because they too are “gun-free” zones. The government has never taken the blame when those sites were attacked. Instead, Democrats blamed you and wanted you disarmed.


Newsome and Harris from SFGate

We have over 23-thousand firearms regulations on the books today. Disarming the good guys clearly works for the Democrat elites. They have their personal security details. Their children have armed guards protecting them. The elites care more about their own protection than they do about yours. They demand the right of the government to put you, your children, and your neighbors at greater risk. It is evil for the democrat elites to demand that our kids go undefended simply so the elites can feel better.

Think about that for a minute. Democrat elites don’t walk through the mall or down the street late at night unprotected. You and your family do that, sometimes by choice, and sometimes by necessity. Looking across the US, about one-in-12 adults go legally armed in public today. I thank you for protecting yourselves everywhere you can. That has made all of us safer despite what the Democrat elites say.

What are the Democrat Attorneys’ General and Democrat appointed judges really telling us when they demand that you be disarmed? They are telling us about the rarified world in which they live. Violence is increasing in Democrat controlled cities from coast to coast. The evidence is clear that Democrats don’t really know how to make us safer.

If you doubt me, then look to see if the laws the Democrat elites pass for us actually affect them and their security details. Listen for their lies the next time they talk about disarming you.

I gave you the best 900 words I could find. Please share them with a friend. I’d also like your rating and a comment. Rob

5 Comments leave one →
  1. October 15, 2023 6:24 pm

    Even if they assigned you a 24/7/365 guard it wouldn’t take the place of a personal firearm.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. kevin kirby permalink
    October 15, 2023 7:02 pm

    it’s not about safety, it’s about keeping us scared and willing to let someone else “better trained” take care of us. no thanks,I’ll do it myself.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. October 16, 2023 2:20 pm

    Well put Rob. I train, and have trained, hundreds of men and women to defend and protect themselves. Our motto is “You Are Your Own First Responder”. We provide medical training as well as firearms training because we believe this knowledge and application saves lives. I am a strong supporter of the first responder community. All that said, men wiser and more familiar with reality than most of the Democrats in office wrote and ratified our constitution knowing that freedom is fragile and must be defended. I fear many of our elected and appointed government officials value personal power over adherence to their oath of office. My prayer is that our fellow citizens will awaken to the evil being perpetuated by those they have elected and change how they assess the value they receive from those whom they vote to represent them. Meanwhile I will remain armed and equipped to protect myself, my family and my friends. And teach as many others as I can to do likewise.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LD Jackson permalink
    October 17, 2023 5:03 am

    Guns for me, but not for thee. They do not care one whit about the security of the average American citizen, as long as they are themselves secure and safe.


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