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Lies My President Told Me

October 6, 2023

I understand the graft and corruption that are President Biden’s normal mode of business. What I can’t accept are the President’s lies about us. We are far better than he claims, and I refuse to let my neighbor’s be blamed for our President’s failings.

-President Biden said that more children die from being shot than from all other causes. That isn’t true. What the President refused to say is that honest gun owners like you and your neighbors prevented over 30-thousand murders a year because they had a firearm to defend the people they love. Did the President ignore the lives you save because he is too forgetful, or because he is too bigoted against us?

-The President said we have to stop the epidemic of gun violence we hear and see on the news. The President refused to say that the nightly violence we see and hear is from our failing Democrat controlled cities. The president refused to mention that most counties won’t have a single murder this year. He ignored that the worst 2-percent of our counties account for over half of our murders. The worst 5-percent account for about two-thirds of our murders. Even within those failed Democrat controlled cities, most of the murders are within a few zip codes. What our President can’t say is that we are seeing an epidemic of political failure and corruption on the nightly news. Democrats destroyed our once beautiful cities like Detroit, Baltimore, and Washington DC. Now those politicians need to blame you.

-The President said that modern rifles were the cause of this violence. He didn’t tell you that the overwhelming majority of murders, even mass-murders, are committed with handguns. He ignored that more of us are beaten to death with hands and feet than are killed with modern rifles. The President didn’t mention that you and your neighbors use a “modern rifle” to protect yourself thousands of times every month. You didn’t know that because the corporate media refused to correct the old man’s lies.

-The President lied again when he said that criminals get their guns from rogue gun shops and gun shows. He refused to mention that every one of the 23-thousand firearms regulations that apply at the federally licensed gun shop also applies at the gun show. He refused to mention that violent criminals with guns are part of drug gangs in our failed Democrat controlled cities. These gangs get their weapons the same way they get their drugs; they get them off the street. On average, it is 11 years from when a firearm is stolen until it is recovered in a crime. Instead, the President blamed you for the black market in drugs, people, and guns that he created by throwing open the border.

-The President said that mass-murder was caused because deranged narcissists had an unprecedented access to firearms. What the President hid was that the shocking death toll in mass-murders wasn’t because of some super weapon, but because all the victims were defenseless and disarmed. Virtually all mass-murderers attack us in “gun-free” zones. The President brags that he helped pass the “gun-free school zone” act. In fact, his signature legislation put targets on our kid’s backs and left them as sitting ducks for celebrity seeking murderers. What the President refused to say was that honest citizens like you and your neighbors stopped mass-murder about every 19 days. On the occasions when a mass-murderer tried to attack us where we can be armed, ordinary armed citizens stop the murderer over two-thirds of the time and with an 80-percent reduction in fatalities. In the last 8 years, you and your neighbors saved almost two-thousand lives as you stopped mass-murderers. Thank you.

You stopped murder and mass-murder because you were armed. Because it is so common and touches so many lives, perhaps it is more important that you and your neighbors stop assault and robbery thousands of times a day. Because you were armed, you also stopped sexual assaults by the hundreds-of-thousands each year. I thank you even if our President won’t.

The corporate media refused to correct the President’s lies. Now, Democrat politicians, anti-gun billionaires, and the mainstream media think that ordinary people like you should be disarmed because you’re too dangerous. I have to ask, too dangerous to whom?

Let me, and millions of people like me, thank you for the lives you save.


I gave you the best 700 word I could find. Please share them with a friend, and leave a comment. RM

6 Comments leave one →
  1. gtaggartcf88def976 permalink
    October 6, 2023 9:59 am


    Great commentary.
    Thank you.

    As a reminder you have a standing invite here at Texas Legends any time you are in the Dallas area.

    Greg Taggart

    Liked by 2 people

  2. KUETSA permalink
    October 6, 2023 11:11 pm

    Great article.
    The big problem is that the communist democrat party is SUCCEEDING in disarming American citizens. They have figured out, after Bruen, that they can pass citizen disarmament laws much faster than courts can strike them down.
    In NY, you must now get a license to purchase a semi automatic rifle.
    Suffolk County, somehow got away with deciding that a PISTOL PERMIT is required to purchase a semi automatic rifle. After Bruen, wait times are at 1 – 2 YEARS to obtain a pistol permit. After CCIA, the NY middle finger to the Supreme Court in response to Bruen, THAT STILL STANDS AS LAW, AND WILL PROBABLY STAND FOR YEARS TO COME, in addition to the notarized personal references and background checks, you must now submit to 3 years of your social media being scrutinized to assure a very pro “citizen disarmament” police agency that you are of moral character worthy of your Second Amendment Rights. After that there is very expensive classroom training and then you must pass a live fire qualification.

    So at this point, your right, if you feel the need, for whatever reason, to purchase a firearm to keep your family safe, is as JoeBiden says:
    Can’t buy a handgun without that permit.
    Can’t buy a semi auto rifle without that permit.
    American citizens in NY are now “allowed” non semi shotguns . . .
    & lever & bolt rifles.
    (A citizenry armed with shotguns does not make the government nervous)
    For all Bruen is touted as a “BIG WIN” . . . Things are now much worse.
    When a district court declares the response laws to Bruen unconstitutional and slaps an injunction . . . the appeals court puts a stay on the injunction.
    When an emergency appeal is put to the Supreme Court . . . the Supreme Court says they will not get involved and will “let the case work it’s way through the system along the normal path”.
    It’s been a decade living under the SAFE Act.
    Will it be a decade for the CCIA???
    I’m SO sick of this SHIT!

    Did I mention, GREAT ARTICLE, Rob.


  3. LD Jackson permalink
    October 7, 2023 6:10 am

    Great commentary on the simple facts of the matter. President Biden and the liberals want/need to blame everything under the sun for what is happening, except for what is the root cause, ie. their failed policies. They would rather blame guns and their responsible owners, instead of admitting their own failures because that would require honest self-inspection. They can’t do that because they want to stay in power.


  4. James Farmer permalink
    October 7, 2023 12:33 pm

    What about Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)?
    Klamath Falls Herald and News: Tuesday, September 27th, 2016/Letters To The Editor

    Trump description would fit LBJ well

    In her Sept. 20th letter Sandy Couch describes Donald Trump as “narcissistic and egotistical.” That is an accurate description of Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) , perhaps the worst president in American history. Unfortunately, an issue doesn’t disappear simply because it’s been ignored, censored, covered up and concealed for decades.

    Also, the legacy of deceit, abuse of power, and political corruption that continues to curse America today! Case in point: “American Experience, “LBJ: Beautiful Texas/My Fellow Americans. A profile of Lyndon B. Johnson.” This recently aired on KSYS Channel 8.1 Aug. 15 and 16, respectively.
    Consider the following the itemized links below:

    *Barr McClellan’s 2003 book: “Blood, Money, and Power: How LBJ Killed JFK”. Also posted at YouTube.
    J. Evett Haley’s 1964 book: “A Texan Looks At Lyndon: A Study In Illegitimate Power.”
    “How Persecution of American Christians Really Began in The US!” via the Constitution Party of Oregon ( posted under “Liberty In The News.”

    Trump to Pastors: ‘Christians Have Been Silenced Like a Child” via Pat Robertson’s 700 club confronts the 1954 Johnson Amendment which remains blatant censorship.

    “Lyndon Johnson Murdered John F. Kennedy” at YouTube. The oppressive 1968 Gun Control Act LBJ signed into federal legislation and its Nazi/ racist roots long since exposed by JPFO, Inc. at

    Finally, the Vietnam War (1961-1975). How LBJ and then Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara greatly escalated this “no win war” in Southeast Asia. And at a cost of 58,000 American lives. Lyndon B. Johnson likewise paved the way for Carter, Clinton, and Obama. And while Richard M. Nixon was no saint, he wasn’t even in the ballpark with Lyndon when it came to the above political atrocities, abuses, and crimes against the American people.

    James A. Farmer, Ashland
    Effective October 2016 once again a Klamath County, Oregon resident. First in Merrill, then again in Klamath Falls (my birthplace). Long Live The State of Jefferson!

    *Consider too “The Man Who Killed JFK: The Case Against LBJ” by Roger Stone 2013



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