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Is Maryland Attorney General Frosh Ignorant or is He Dishonest?

April 20, 2022

The Maryland Attorney General filed a recent amicus brief with the US Supreme Court. Attorney General Brian Frosh said that the state is justified in banning modern rifles because those weapons have been used to commit mass murder. AG Frosh mentions violent attacks that happened outside of Maryland. For some reason the Attorney General failed to mention the far larger number of cases where honest citizens used a rifle for justified self-defense. If this is an omission then it is an oversight the size of the Grand Canyon.

The AG’s report goes back a decade to find 150 deaths that were attributed to a mass murderer who used a modern rifle at some time during his attack. What we don’t know is why the Attorney General stopped there.

Why didn’t the AG also mention that rifles like these are in common use and were routinely used for armed defense? I am not saying that those firearms could be used for armed defense. I’m saying that they were used, are used, and will be used for armed defense every day.

You’d think a Supreme Court judges would like to know that. I suspect the judges would also like to know why the Maryland Attorney General chose to hide those facts. Let me show you how big a fabrication the AG presented.

We know that about 25 million people report owning a modern rifle in the US. We know that ordinary US citizen use firearms for armed defense about 1.7 million times each year. We know they use a rifle in those defensive encounters about 13.1 percent of the time.

Honest citizens used a rifle in armed defense over 210 thousand times a year,

or almost 600 times a day.

I don’t know how many of those rifles we used in armed-defense were the particular make and model that the Attorney General wants to ban. I don’t know if each one of those self-defensive encounters would have resulted in death since the bad guy almost always runs away when he sees that grandma is armed. Those subtleties are interesting but they are overwhelmed by other facts. Firearms in the United States are almost always used in armed defense rather than being used for mass murder.

It is hard to know precisely which type of firearm is likely to be used in a crime because the firearm is not recovered in every case. In this case, the evidence is overwhelming. Rifles are a fraction of the guns owned by honest citizens, but rifles are still used ten times more often in armed defense than any firearm is used in any murder.

Let’s put what we know into perspective. Each day, honest citizens in the US use a rifle to prevent death or great bodily injury.

Armed citizens save many more lives with a rifle each day than are lost to mass murderers each year.

Should we do what we can to reduce mass murder? Of course we should. So why haven’t we? In particular, why hasn’t the Maryland legislature fully funded state sponsored treatment of the mentally ill? The Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh used to be a Maryland State Senator. Perhaps the voters will ask him.


I gave you 500 words. Please share them with a friend. RM


Maryland SCCOTUS Brief- “

2021 National Firearms Survey- “

7 Comments leave one →
  1. Albert Robinson permalink
    April 20, 2022 5:50 pm

    It’s time for this to stop.. This isn’t about “Gun Safety” … It’s about gun confiscation.. Let’s start calling it what it is. ENOUGH !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. KUETSA permalink
    April 20, 2022 11:54 pm

    When the next round of politically sanctioned RIOTS occur, and a left wing activist screams “don’t burn down your own neighborhood, burn down the “privileged” neighborhood”, and your choice is to burn to death IN your home, or, get beat to death outside, an AR type rifle and standard 30 round magazines at least give you a fighting chance . . . whereas an IDIOT JoeBiden double barrel shotgun INSURES YOUR DEATH!

    That fact doesn’t matter.

    Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party.”
    The communist democrat party has their reasons for relentlessly forcing CITIZEN DISARMAMENT.
    It has NOTHING to do with public safety.



  1. Is Maryland’s Attorney General Ignorant or Dishonest? – Real Guns People
  2. Is Maryland’s Attorney General Ignorant or Dishonest? | The Gun Point
  3. Is Maryland’s Attorney General Ignorant or Dishonest? – Point Blank Holsters
  4. Is Maryland’s Attorney General Ignorant or Dishonest? - Shackle Media
  5. Is Maryland’s Attorney General Ignorant or Dishonest? – Sprent Brass

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