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Armed Citizens Stop Mass Murder.. January 2016

January 15, 2016


Chicago Sun Times 1 9 2016

Photo from the Chicago Sun Times

The President said taking away our guns will make us safer.  Some reporters said the same thing.  They say a good guy with a gun never stops a bad guy with a gun.  Well isn’t this a surprise.  Here are five examples of self-defense that happened within the last month.  They show people who not only stopped a criminal and saved lives, but these armed victims may have stopped mass murder!

1- Katie and Matt Klaxon were parked filling up their car at a Springfield, Missouri gas station.  Their four children were in the car as well.  Matt was pumping gas when a stranger approached Katie who was still sitting in the car.  The stranger opened the car door and threatened Katie with a large knife.  Katie called for Matt who then drew his Beretta pistol and told the man to leave.  The assailant said Quote “You’re lucky he has a gun,” as he closed the car door and backed away.  The couple called police and kept an eye on the man who tried to open other car doors.  The assailant was arrested by police.  Mass murder is four or more victims and six people were at risk during this assault.  This example of armed defense is typical in that no shots were fired.  Sometimes the victim is not that lucky.

2- A mother of four used a gun to save her children and herself from three armed home invaders.  Security camera video shows three men kicking in the back door of this home outside Dayton, Ohio.  The armed thieves held the woman and her four children at gunpoint.  The thieves hit the homeowner in the head and face with their guns and demanded she open her husband’s safe.  The homeowner grabbed her gun as the thieves emptied the safe.  She shot one of the thieves and all three tried to make their escape.  The wounded criminal died outside the home still clutching his firearm.  She saved her four children.  The incident was over before the homeowner could summon police.

3- Two teenagers wearing masks walked into a Chicago liquor store.  One of them remained in front of the counter while the other hopped over the counter and started beating the store clerk.   A relative of the store owner heard a commotion from upstairs.  He saw the robbery suspects when he looked down from a stairwell.  The family member pulled his gun.  He shot and killed the two thieves as he came downstairs.  Police suspect the two criminals had robbed at least two other stores in the area.  The liquor store was also robbed several years ago.  Police said the armed employee in the liquor store should not face charges.

The thieves threatened everyone in the store while the armed relative had seconds to act.

4- A mother alone with her three children spotted an intruder in her yard. She called 911, but the police would take many minutes to arrive at this remote home outside Austin, Texas.  The intruder tried the front door, but that was locked.  The intruder then broke through the kitchen door.  The homeowner said she was armed, but the intruder would not leave.  He stopped advancing after she shot him once.  The mother said, “I kept telling him to get out of my house and that I have a gun.  I’m convinced I did the right thing. He made the choice to come into my house.  He was not going to get past me to get to my children.”  Emergency medical services transported the wounded intruder to the hospital by helicopter.  The intruder is expected to survive and will face charges when he is released.

5- Two men entered a mobile T-Mobile phone store in Chicago.  For a few minutes, they shopped for phones.  Then they pulled out guns and started robbing the place.  One of the store employees had his concealed carry permit and was armed.  He presented his own handgun and shot the two robbers.  He hit one robber in the groin and the arm, and the other in the abdomen and the arm.  The thieves were able to run from the store while another store employee following them outside and gave police their description.  The thieves drove to a nearby hospital where police took them into custody.

The store manager said, “I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers and employees to protect themselves.  Our employee did a great job to protect himself and others.”   Local businessmen said the cell phone store had been robbed several times in the last month.  A regional manager for T-Mobile, said the company allows employees with concealed carry licenses to have weapons at work.

Politicians and the news media says it doesn’t happen, but armed citizens defend themselves every day.  You always suspected that was true.  Now you know.

report on citizen self-defense every week.  My list of armed citizens stopping mass murder in December is here.







5 Comments leave one →
  1. rehafner permalink
    January 16, 2016 8:53 am

    Power hungry control freaks hate armed determined citizens.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rich permalink
    January 16, 2016 3:28 pm

    The hard-left Marxist and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the media whores who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States..

    Second Amendment foes lying about gun control – Firearms are our constitutionally mandated safeguard against tyranny by a powerful federal government. Only dictators, tyrants, despots, totalitarians, and those who want to control and ultimately to enslave you support gun control.

    No matter what any president, senator, congressman, or hard-left mainstream media whores tell you concerning the statist utopian fantasy of safety and security through further gun control: They are lying. If their lips are moving, they are lying about gun control. These despots truly hate America..

    These tyrants hate freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and private property. But the reality is that our citizens’ ownership of firearms serves as a concrete deterrent against despotism. They are demanding to hold the absolute power of life and death over you and your family. Ask the six million Jews, and the other five million murdered martyrs who perished in the Nazi death camps, how being disarmed by a powerful tyranny ended any chances of fighting back. Ask the murdered martyrs of the Warsaw Ghetto about gun control.

    Their single agenda is to control you after you are disarmed. When the people who want to control you hold the absolute power of life and death over your family, you have been enslaved. The hard-left Marxist and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the MSM media whores who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States into becoming an unarmed population. Unarmed populations have been treated as slaves and chattel since the dawn of history.

    Will we stand our ground, maintaining our constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights, fighting those who would enslave us?

    American Thinker

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Armed Citizens Stop Mass Murder.. January 2016 ...
  2. Armed Citizens Stop Mass Murder.. January 2016 | Give Me Liberty
  3. WHEN CITIZENS ARE ARMED: They STOP Mass Murder - Girls Just Wanna Have Guns

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