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Gun-Control Fails Again in London, England and Armed Defense Succeeds

June 3, 2024

We were told that criminals would obey the law. If they didn’t obey the first law then criminals were sure to obey the next thousand. Here are recent examples that show how gun-control laws failed, and also what works.

I’ve been told that the US should have gun-control laws like England and the rest of Europe. The first thing that tells us is that the speaker hasn’t traveled throughout Europe. Not all European countries are the same. Not all cities or parts of cities are the same. It also says that they’ve closed their eyes to the violence in many European cities. This news story talks about four people who were shot in a drive by shooting while sitting in a London café. The attacker was on a motorcycle. One of the wounded victims was a 9-year-old girl who was sitting inside the restaurant. She is now fighting for her life and listed in serious condition. That is an example of gun-control laws failing to stop criminals. Unfortunately, there are many more examples.

Note the level of violence in London, England. With a population of almost 9 million people, there were 43 stabbings reported each day. Violent crime struck 27 out of 1000 people in 2022. When we include less violent crimes like assault and burglary, the number rises to 30 out of 100. That is far too many.

Those are only numbers. For comparison, the United States has the failed city of Chicago and US citizens hear about the violence in Chicago every night. Though Chicago is less than half the size of London, the crime rate in Chicago was almost a third that of London at 10 out of 1000 in 2019. That certainly undercounts the rate of violence in Chicago. Citizens stop calling the cops when the police take four hours to respond to a home invasion robbery.

Taken as a whole, the violent crime rate in the US is 3.8 per thousand. Again, that statistic leaves something hidden. Note that the US data is from 2022 so the US rates hade not completely recovered from their spike during Covid. Crime is localized, and the US crime rate is driven up by its failed cities. London is several times more violent than a failed US city.

In contrast, San Diego, California is the safest US city with a population over a million (1.3 million). The rate of violent crime in San Diego was 4.4 per thousand in 2023. “Gun-free” London is six times more dangerous for violent crime than San Diego.

My point is not to bash Europe. We have knife attacks (and here) in New York City as well. Some of those attacks are in the so called “sensitive places” like Times Square where the victims are disarmed by law from carrying most knives and firearms. My point is that cities are different and we need to look closer before we reach a conclusion. It is easy to see that we don’t want to be more like London or Chicago. Disarming the good guys is dangerous.

The corporate media seldom covers stories where armed citizens stop violent crimes. Last week an armed bystander in a small Pennsylvania town assisted a police officer when a criminal started shooting at the officer. I mention that particular story because it happened last week, not because it is “news”. Those events are so common that they happen millions of times a year in the US, some 7600 times a day. Some rural counties in Pennsylvania have a concealed carry rate that is 50 percent of the eligible adults.

Details matter. Read deeply. We are different.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Marsiglia permalink
    June 18, 2024 12:01 pm

    I am a lifelong gun owner and frequent shooter who regularly reads your analyses and finds many of them compelling, but not this one. This one misleadingly refers to the rates of “violent crime” and by this glosses over the murder rate in London: 112 last year in a city of 9 million, according to the source linked in your article. My own City of New Orleans clocks a rate several times higher than this. In those years with historic lows in my city’s murder rate, we counted more than 112 homicides—and of course the number of residents in my city is much fewer than the 9 million people in London, meaning that the rate in New Orleans is many times higher.



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