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Liberal Democrats Got What They Asked for, Good and Hard in Los Angeles

June 25, 2024

Protesters supporting Hamas and a Left Wing women’s group attacked a Jewish Synagogue and school in Los Angeles. The attacks might surprise and outrage some of us, but this makes perfect sense if you’ve been paying attention. We can explain what happened with these unjustifiable attacks. Let’s come up to speed on the politics of an election year in America’s second largest city.

This attack happened now because it is an election year. In particular, it is days ahead of the presidential debates. These violent demonstrations are a designed by Democrat party powerbrokers in order to get Muslim support by attacking Jews in a Democrat controlled city. That Muslim support is important in the swing state of Michigan. In contrast, Jewish support is not a critical vote in a swing state, and certainly not in California. That explains why we saw the attacks at this time.

This demonstration happened in Los Angeles because they have a Soros funded DA and an extreme left-wing mayor. The protesters face an extremely small risk of arrest, arraignment, trial, and sentencing. That isn’t true in other cities. The protesters hid behind the police when the Jews fought back. That wouldn’t happened unless democrat activists and fundraisers first put a left-wing mayor in place. Soros got exactly what he paid for.

These demonstrations took place in Los Angels because Jews have been systemically disarmed. Few of us can fight off a determined attacker. Extremely few of us can fight of several of them at once. Common firearms level the contest during a violent attack. The ability to buy a firearm is extremely restricted in California. Getting a license to carry a firearm in public is almost impossible in Los Angeles. Honest citizens can apply for the permit, but the city is under no effective legal obligation to process the permit and issue the license. Los Angeles is where applications go to die. The ninth circuit court of appeals has seen to that. It offends the liberals of California if Jews can shoot back. Perhaps the local synagogues will ask for security volunteers from pro-2A counties.

The attacks were not designed to influence the Muslims in Los Angeles or in California. In fact, the Los Angeles Times did not cover the story. The Times is the largest newspaper in LA and the largest paper in the state. The story disappeared since the attack doesn’t look good for Democrat controlled Los Angeles. LA isn’t the intended audience as I mentioned before. The Times did cover the story when Slow Joe’s spokeswoman offered a comment. Now they can mouth the platitudes about abhorring violence. Talk is cheap.

It will be easy to hide the embarrassing story from marginal democrats and swing voters. These voters will believe what the media tells them to believe.

These attacks were foreseeable and preventable. Jews in Los Angeles got what they voted for and what they funded with political donations. So did the Saudis. Both supported extremist Democrats. California is not a swing state. Jewish voters in LA are easy to replace by another half-million immigrants. That means that Jews in Los Angeles are no longer useful to the Democrat party. Democrat politicians might listen if a massive influx of Jews moved to Pennsylvania. I don’t see that happening any time soon.

In the meantime, I’d suggest that vulnerable people move to cities that respect the rule of law and the right of self-defense. Never forget was an important idea, and it looks like the Jews in Los Angeles forgot.

If you doubt my interpretation of events, then remember that the US said it would not help Israel after Iran launched hundreds of drones against that country.

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