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Who wants more “gun-free” zones?

May 10, 2023

You must have seen the news stories about the attack outside a shopping mall in Texas. If you didn’t read the whole article, at least you scanned the headlines. It was awful that innocent people were attacked and many were killed. In response, some gun-control politicians said we should have more gun-free zones. That makes good headlines, and “gun-free” zones have the support of a surprising group of people. Like us, they just want to feel safe as they go about their business. Maybe you feel the same way, so let’s see if you agree.

Everyone wants to feel a degree of safety. Unfortunately, what makes one person feel safe might make the next person feel at risk. Let’s slow down and look at gun-free zones one step at a time.

We agree that it is easy to put up a plastic sign. Unfortunately, that thin plastic decal on a window doesn’t stop a murderer’s bullet. It might protect the business owner from legal liability, but does it do anything else? Come to think of it, the “sign” doesn’t even need to be a real object that is posted near the business’s doorway. It can be the words “No weapons allowed.” on the mall owner’s website somewhere. Does that make you feel safer?

I’m skeptical that the words on a website will stop a criminal. I don’t think that criminals check websites before they choose where to attack us.

Maybe you want real physical signs that say “No Guns Allowed” outside of every door. Maybe you want the business owner to wand everyone who enters the store just like they do to the audience at a rock concert. That means they need a security team at every entrance whenever the business is open. Maybe that means that there can only be one entrance. That sounds safer too. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out too well in practice.

One of our largest mass-murders was at a bar with two off-duty police officers who were checking people at the front entrance. The murderer shot his way inside past the guards. Once the murderer was inside, there was no way for the unarmed victims to escape. That attack went on for hours.

Maybe the facts don’t matter because we’re talking about what feels better. Maybe you want everyone disarmed because it makes you nervous to think that there are people around you who have guns. You are not alone.

Some people feel exactly the same way. I’ve read about them and how they felt. I’ve studied them. These people felt much safer where ordinary citizens were disarmed. They searched out “gun-free” zones. They were mass-murderers looking for easy victims.

Mass-murderers intensely search for “gun-free” zones so they can murder at will.

I’m not that smart, but even I can see a pattern here-

  • We saw mass murderers deliberately attack us in theaters that were called “gun-free” zones.
  • They attacked us at county fairs that were called “gun-free” zones.
  • They attacked us in secure areas of airports that were called “gun-free” zones.
  • They attacked us in bars and restaurants that were called “gun-free” zones.
  • They attacked us in churches that were called “gun-free” zones.
  • Mass-murderers attacked us in grocery stores in towns where the police chief and sheriffs made sure that ordinary honest citizens were disarmed.
  • Mass-murderers also attacked us in schools that were called “gun-free” zones, and that is an interesting test case.

Schools are frequent targets of mass-murderers, but we have never seen a mass-murderer attempt to attack a school that had a program to train and arm school staff. I think that tells us a lot. It says that mass-murderers feel safer in “gun-free” zones. That certainly makes sense from their point of view, but it leaves us with other questions.

Why do people who are not mass-murderers feel safer in a gun free zone?

I’m not sure, but I have a guess. We know that mass-murderers target us in “gun-free” zones. The people who are afraid of guns would rather face the remote risk of a mass-murderer than be around their harmless neighbors who might be armed.

If I’m right, then that tells us a lot about the people who are afraid of their neighbors, but it doesn’t tell us much about guns.


I gave you 700 words and a lot of thought. Please share this with a friend and comment. RM


Attack at the Pulse Nightclub-

Mass-murder and mass-shootings-

Attacks in “gun-free” zones-

6 Comments leave one →
  1. KUETSA permalink
    May 10, 2023 10:00 pm

    “Why do people who are not mass-murderers feel safer in a gun free zone?”

    I have a guess.
    It’s because the general public is being brainwashed to fear GUNS . . . not MURDERERS!
    GUNS are bad, GUNS are dangerous, ban GUNS . . . GUN FREE ZONE!
    The fact that a GUN FREE ZONE will NEVER, EVER, stop even one mass murderer from coming in with a gun, is past their thought process on the issue.
    So they leave it to chance that it will never happen. They do not have to think about, or plan for the possibility. The “bad things” all go away, and they are happy in their ignorance to their vulnerability. It is not on their mind.
    The fact that there are armed citizens, coworkers, or acquaintances in their presence, ready to respond, even though they are actually SAFER, it forces them to think about the possibility, it keeps the thought that there could be an attack on their mind. They can not even cope with living with the thought.
    Ask one of them what they would do if something happens . . .
    There you go.
    High body count.
    Public outrage. (Against GUNS . . . not MURDERERS)
    And best of all . . . a window of opportunity to further disarm American citizens.
    GUN FREE ZONES work GREAT for their intended purpose.
    High body counts to generate public outrage to get away with disarming the American Citizenry.

    In the mean time – ignorance is bliss.


    • KUETSA permalink
      May 10, 2023 10:04 pm

      PS – Who wants more GUN FREE ZONES?
      Those who are ravenous for every opportunity to get away with disarming us.


  2. May 10, 2023 10:58 pm

    Fear is a deep emotion. There is a good reason why we have fear. Fear keeps us from hurting ourselves, or being hurt by other things. Experiencing being shot, or killed, is a rational fear. Sometimes avoidance is a good solution. Cloistering away from what you fear yields a sad and shallow life. Overcoming fear through understanding the nature and action of that which you fear, and devising a plan to meet and defeat the actors perpetrating the feared outcome is a better option. If I fear firearms, I must come to know and master the thing I fear – Firearms or being shot and killed. If I fear being harmed by someone using firearms to harm me, I must learn to master the application of firearms in order to prevail over my enemies. Education, training, and structured practice, gives me the skills needed to overcome my fears and the boldness to fully live my life. A better solution, I think, than hiding and avoiding every fear evoking emotion I encounter.


  3. May 11, 2023 1:31 pm

    I suggest that the media is a culprit here. After every shooting they blare out the gruesome detail, it’s planning, its’ execution, its’ aftermath, the life of the shooter… thousands upon thousands of words and images presented and rehashed by every talking head that wants to bathe in the blood of the innocent. Almost all blaming an inanimate object for the acts of an insane person.
    I suggest the media is responsible for the recent increase in the frequency of these shootings and the increased frequency of the use of AR style weapons. The insane persons that read the news accounts and discussions KNOW that all the cool kids are using an “assault weapon” to rack up a high body count.
    These insane persons never had attention paid to them when they were alive. (Parkland excepted) Now everyone will know about them.


    • Chris Wales permalink
      May 11, 2023 7:44 pm

      The media is definitely most of the problem.
      Don’t forget they constantly throw out unsubstantiated claims of white supremacy motives at every opportunity and suppress actual facts.



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