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How did the Main Stream Media Miss this Fact about Chicago?

December 19, 2012

466 shot in Chicago during 2012 while Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the country.

This is what the MSM trumpets as a solution for the rest of us.  The almost four million people in Connecicut have relatively few gun murders.  The almost three million people in Chicago have many gun murders.  That is why we should make Connecticut adopt Chicago’s gun laws.

Huh?  That is stuck on stupid!  Every life is precious.  Every murder is a tragedy.  We love our children too much to turn Connecticut into Chicago.  That is why we do not want to make things worse with bad laws.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. December 19, 2012 8:51 am

    Reblogged this on Durable Faith.


  2. December 19, 2012 11:14 am

    Reblogged this on The Grey Enigma.


  3. December 19, 2012 5:10 pm

    Reblogged this on bearspawprint.


  4. Steve Cook permalink
    December 20, 2012 10:19 am

    I just dug through the data provided on redeyechicago (thank you for providing sources!), and came up with different numbers:

    72 children (age 18 and under) were listed as killed from all causes;
    68 children (age 18 and under) were listed as killed by gunshot;
    427 people (all ages) were listed as killed by gunshot;
    491 people (all ages) were listed as killed.

    Can you provide the filter that demonstrates from the data that “466 school age children were shot in Chicago in 2012”? Even having 68 children killed by gunfire in a place where guns are supposed to be inaccessible is sufficient to clearly demonstrate the failure of gun bans to protect citizens from death by gunfire; and that “it’s for the children” is an argument that can only be employed when there isn’t actual data supporting the cause the argument is for.

    (data analyzed: for online viewing, or for offline viewing)


  5. Tama Paine permalink
    December 21, 2012 4:27 pm

    The data show the total homicides in Chicago approaching 500. Not “school age children.”

    If you scroll down the RedEyeChicago blog you will see that most victims are adults. (And I’m not sure what “school age” means among demographics that drop out at 14 or 15. Up to 18, the “normal” age of high school graduation? Up to 22 or 23, the age of college graduation? Into one’s 30s and the end of the post-doc?)

    I don’t disagree with you in the main on many things. But if you get something this basic wrong, it will undercut the times when you are dead nuts on center, Rob.

    Thanks for the efforts, as always.



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